You may need to be ready for everything that may come your way when it comes to filing civil cases, so you may want to check out what is for you in litigation loans. For one, these may help you to have enough money to cover what you need during the litigation of the case. Without further ado, let’s understand what litigation means as well as its types. Litigation or settlement is normally needed whenever damages were caused by another party involved in the incident that led to the filing of the case.
What Are The Two Types Of Litigation?
There are two types of litigation, which are civil litigation and criminal litigation. Civil litigation is a type of lawsuit that’s filed by someone against another person and is normally without the presence of crime committed.
On the other hand, criminal litigation lawsuits are usually filed by a party when someone has violated or committed a criminal offense against him. These things may vary from physical injuries, prison cases, homicide, murder, theft and may even include a police misconduct case.
For one who is charged with or is required to settle criminal settlement would normally have a much harder time to deal with financial matters, as compared to those with civil cases. The reason behind that is because people would have to settle many things like fees from court proceedings, attorney’s fees and most especially, for the unfortunate one, the settlement amount that a defendant would have to pay.
With regard to these types of things, you would need to have a good source to file for litigation loans even before the court has come out with its verdict. These types of things may require one to file it personally or through certain methods. Now, what could be the requirements in filing for one?
Litigation Loans: The Requirements That You Need
- Unlike filing for bank loans or mortgage loans, litigation loans can easily be accomplished by calling a toll free number, by visiting certain websites or going through a funding company’s local office. The way it works really doesn’t require a lot from those who need it. The first thing that a defendant may need is to fill out an application form.
- Normally, these companies would contact the defendant or his or her attorney to ask information and to collect data that are needed to process the litigation loans application. The data that may be needed may include court documents, personal documents and proper identification of the defendant.
- One key document or data that they would require from you are identification cards and others. If all documents have been submitted properly and the case has been reviewed to be a strong one, then the loan would usually be approved without to waste time, allowing you to have settled cases sooner than what you might have been expecting.
Go To Your One-Stop Source For Litigation Loans
It is certainly a key factor to have your court case settled. With that in mind, may be your best company to get help from. They have helped fund different types of cases through the years. They are your one-stop site for reasonable fees and rates as well as fast processing and approval time. Apply to them for litigation loans today!