Don’t forget to check before you apply for Presettlement Loans!

This blog might be of great help to those Americans who are desperate to avail presettlement loans irrespective of the heavy interest rates being charged by lawsuit settlement funding agencies.   While this is a crude fact that this lawsuit funding is intended at a different perspective and should always be considered in times of financial needs whether they are of the serious nature or not; the other verity highlights the darker side of pre settlement loans.

Offered in times of acute medical emergency or during the process of lawsuit proceedings, pre settlement loan acts as a mode of immediate financial relief. And since the claimant is in the state of distress and discomfort either due to his accident or loss of wages, he does not care to pay attention to the rules, interest rates and the conditions against which he is offered the lawsuit loan help. This negligence or careless attitude of the respondent paves way for a typical scenario that can at times prove be critical!

Nevertheless, this type of situation can always be avoided by simply checking few basic things. First- what is the interest rate being charged by the pre settlement funding agency. While this may vary from a legal funding agency to another, an annual charge between 15 % – 25 % should be adequate enough for your lawsuit settlement loans. The next thing is the mode of interest and loan repayment –whether it is done monthly or annually. While checking for these things, don’t forget to look for the extra charges that are levied for forwarding your loan application. This works as a small loophole from where the funding agency can start your extortion. But if you are careful enough then you have minimal chances of someone fooling you around, how so ever big it might be.

What makes Settlement Loans better than bank loans?

Now that your case has reached a final stage of resolution, you need a huge cash amount to clear off your dues as part of your case settlement. Tomorrow is the hearing of your concluding litigation and this is the time when you should be ready with the money in your hands. While you have several options of availing money, you are bewildered with the thought- which one would be the most suitable for you! Well let me tell you that Settlement loans will be a better choice for you.  Though majorly your requirements and attorney can guide you about this option, I want to offer a little bit contribution from my side by telling you that this form of legal funding is much better than bank loans. Now most of you would ask why, wait as I am gradually moving on to that only.

  • No record or check of credit history is required by the lawsuit funding firm- Most of the plaintiffs who suffer from bad credit history find it painful to get their loan approved from other government organizations either. For them settlement loan is perhaps the most ideal one as the legal finance funding agencies never go for a credit history check, so it is good form of lawsuit loan which even bank defaulters can acquire subject to their condition fulfillment which varies from  lawsuit settlement funding company to company.
  • No repayment of the lawsuit loans if the borrower somehow loses his litigation- This is yet again a beautiful characteristic of commercial litigation funding by a lawsuit settlement funding firm as the plaintiff need not repay the loan amount in situations where he has totally lost his case despite all efforts, making these form lawsuit settlement loans better alternatives in comparison to bank loans.

Keep in mind the following things before opting for Settlement Loans!

If you are looking for a settlement loans amount that could offer you with the ready cash to fulfill your requirements of litigation costs, legal advisor’s fee and your tax related issues, then before you hire a funding agency you definitely need to check for few things. While this will help you evade off your financial worries, you will arrive a better lawsuit settlement funding solution in no time. However by writing the following matter, I’m offering only a list of guidelines and do not guarantee in any way that it is an exhaustive coverage of the topic.

Have you considered other legal funding alternatives?

Though it might seem stupid of me when I’m trying to ask you whether you have gone through with other modes of lawsuit funding, yet I know more intelligent ones would not have seriously worked on other variants of commercial litigation funding. So, don’t just laugh at this rather consider it seriously. Even before looking for lawsuit settlement firms that could quench your legal finance needs, don’t forget to consult other legal funding bodies like banks and other government funding organization that charge less interest rates.

Don’t consider it otherwise and simply take it as a precautionary measure. Like everything else,
pre settlement funding or lawsuit loan financing industry too has its plusses and minuses. So, if you have other better options why not go for it? For this you can seek the help of your lawyer or your family members.

However, after analyzing everything if you find that it is only option left then go by all means to acquire lawsuit loans. They are designed to serve you then why not avail them in difficult times of financial crunch.

Reimburse all your losses with Settlement Loans!

Are you fine with the nominal amount offered by the opposite party after meeting an accident or you willing to file a case against them? It completely depends on your comfort! However if you want a compensation for your health and economic losses; then also you have a number of legal finance options. The settlement loans are preferred for this very purpose that offer the cash advances to the litigants of plaintiffs after the approval from the lawsuit firm or the legal advisor to make the lawsuit proceedings easier that are lagging behind due to falling short of money. These lawsuit loans come with various additional facilities with them. For the best utilization of this unique opportunity; do have a look on its main characteristics.

What facilities you get in settlement loans?                                             

  • You won’t have to pay anything for the cash advances and legal assistance if lose the case; you are responsible to payback only when your case is won.
  • It’s a no risk deal as you pay no monthly costs; not even the application and processing fee.
  • You qualify for a healthy amount of $5,000,000 in cash advances as your lawsuit settlement funding.
  • They provide your lawsuit funding within 24 hours of the recommendation from the lawsuit firm or your legal advisor.
  • They never check your employment history and don’t care for your bad credit scores too.

To get felicitated by this excellent option for your legal funding, first of all you are supposed to contact your legal advisor and after having a detailed discussions you will get to know the various options for your legal funding for your injury costs, hospital bills and medicine invoices. The lawsuit firm discusses to your legal advisor or attorney about the winning possibilities of your case and approves the cash advances till the final judgment of your lawsuit comes.

Know the non-recourse features of Lawsuit Loans!

Since your car met an accident due to the lack of safety features in your car and you litigated against the manufacturing company a while ago; you may be running short of money to carry on your legal proceedings. You too might be looking for an additional financial support system as these types of litigation keep going for quite a long time to come to their final verdict. Moreover, the companies take a lot of time after the judgments to give their compensation and the lawsuit loans come as your preferred choice to keep your legal proceedings going. The lawsuit loans do everything for your legal finance with their money flow management and case value maximization features.

If you too are looking for a settlement loan through the lawsuit settlement funding firms, you don’t have to do anything more than accomplishing their online application form. Their representative will contact you and give a presentation about your would-be strategy and the financial assistance they would be giving. They will too contact your legal advisor for a discussion to know the winning possibilities of a case and approve your lawsuit loan within 24 hours after getting a recommendation from your legal advisor. Hence, you get the cash advances of your settlement loan within next 24 hours of the approval.

What are the benefits in a lawsuit loan?

Along with its unique facility to provide the legal finance to everyone in need; the lawsuit loans come with a host of benefits bundled with it. Irrespective of the economical status and financial strength, they consider everyone for their loan without checking one’s employment history or credit scores. They too provide you a free interview in which you are guided with their wise advices for your litigation. Moreover, you won’t have a single penny if the verdict of product liability lawsuit doesn’t go in your favor.